
Backgroud:oneNWserver+oneStorageNodeserverwithmanysuccessfulbackupplantoaddonemorestoragenodeserverintothisNetworker ...,VerifythattheCPUontheremoteArcserveUDPAgent(Windows)nodeisinanormalstateandthentryagain.TheArcserveUDPAgent(Windows)serviceonthe ...,Theerrorindicatesthattheclientdisconnectedfromthebackupserverwithoutfinishingthebackup.Doyouseeanyerrorsaroundthattimeinthesystemd ...,Thetes...

add one new storage node server and this one don't work

Backgroud: one NW server+one Storage Node server with many successful backup plan to add one more storage node server into this Networker ...

Arcserve® Unified Data Protection 5.0

Verify that the CPU on the remote Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) node is in a normal state and then try again. The Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) service on the ...

Backup job finished with errors

The error indicates that the client disconnected from the backup server without finishing the backup. Do you see any errors around that time in the systemd ...

Backup task status ERROR after restarting a node + upload ...

The test writes some data, starts a backup task, waits for status RUNNING, the stops a node, waits for status ERROR, the restarts the node and expects status !=

Backup to another node

I will try to back up my proxmox node's vms to dl380 node. They are in cluster. I have a directory type storage on dl380 node with the following settings.

NFS Access Node Unavailable

If you have multiple nodes assigned and one of the nodes is down the backup will run using the other nodes available, but you need to make sure that all nodes ...

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.14 Network

You may receive error messages such as Unable to communicate with NAS appliance when the appliance does not respond as expected and backups may fail to start.


An error message is displayed because files cannot be recovered when the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to OFF. ON, YES, YES or NO, During node ...

Unable to delete a node from ressources for it is assigned converter ...

While trying to delete a node from all nodes section under ressources, the node which is assigned the CONVERTER ROLE fails to be removed with the below error ...

VMware backup and restore operations fail with error opening virtual ...

VMware backup and restore operations fail because the incorrect transport mode was used or no transport mode could access the virtual machine (VM) disks.